Thursday, May 14, 2009

It happens to the best of us! Google Goes Down Today

I am in no way comparing us to Google.

But when I was trying to get my email from my G-Mail account I was encountering problems - No Messages. It had the look and feel that I lost my network connection. My browser was stuck. So after the due diligence of checking my wireless connections, checking different machines, different network connections and virus protection I still couldn't connect to Google.

Hmmm... The perplexing computer system.

Come to find out Google had a little oops today. Yes on May 14th, 2009 Google was down for about 45 minutes. Did you notice it? I sure did....

What happened is when they identify a malicious site and ban them from being presented, they put them in a malicious website database in Google. That's when a little human error came into play. A typo! A simple back-slash instead of a forward slash created this little blip in Google. So all sites with this typo got the blackout effect and couldn't connect. A human typo created this blackout in Google accounts. I guess the right type of slash in the malicious database is a very important thing in the Google database, if not, Oops.

But been there, done that, typo's happen. So have my freinds at Kyocera and Taskalfa or Taskafla. No big deal, everything is working fine now.

1 comment:

  1. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....


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